How to Choose Board Meeting Tools

Board meeting tools can simplify processes of organization and speed up decision-making to improve productivity. They consolidate all important information and documents into a safe database and provide a range of features that make it easier for boards to communicate, collaborate and share documents. They include tools to schedule meetings that automate invitations and scheduling and a document center to organize and distribute content and polling and survey tools to collect feedback and information from members.

Another useful feature that many boards software programs come with is the ability to host a video conference. This lets your team remain in touch even if they aren’t physically together. If you choose to use video conferencing, you must ensure that the technology is reliable. You don’t have to worry about problems with image or sound quality that could ruin your conference.

Requesting a trial version or demo is a good method to test out various software. You can test the software in a controlled manner and decide if it’s appropriate for your company. It’s also an excellent idea to look for software that offers integrations with other tools, such as calendar applications and agenda templates for board meetings.

Finally, make sure that the software you choose to use has robust security features. This is particularly important if you intend to make use of the software to record videoconferences. This will ensure your sessions are secure and that eavesdroppers cannot monitor them.